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The effects of wind speed and atmospheric pressure on male mate searching behavior, modulated by a female sex pheromone, were investigated in the aphid parasitoid Aphidius nigripes (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). Male A. nigripe generally did not reach females at wind speeds of 100 cm/sec, as the majority of individuals taking flight in the pheromone plume (81.8%) were unable to sustain upwind flight. At lower wind velocities, male responsiveness to females generally decreased with distance from the source. However, wind speeds approaching the upper threshold (100 cm/sec) tended to eliminate this distance effect. Therefore, there appears to be a trade-off between the need for higher wind speeds to detect the pheromone source from long distances, and a reduction in male flight capacity as wind velocity increases. Our results also indicate that chemical communication in A. nigripes could be affected by variations in atmospheric pressure, as we observed a relationship between pressure fluctuations in the 24 hr prior to testing and male responsiveness to females. The importance of these abiotic factors on mate searching behavior is discussed within the context of the reproductive biology of A. nigripes.  相似文献   
The mechanistic bases of natural and sexual selection on physiological and behavioral traits were examined in male morphs of three colors of the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana. Orange-throated males are aggressive and defend large territories with many females. Blue-throated males defend smaller territories with fewer females; however, blue-throated males assiduously mate guard females on their territory. Yellow-throated males do not defend a territory, but patrol a large home range. They obtain secretive copulations from females on the territories of dominant males. Males with bright orange throats had higher levels of plasma testosterone (T), endurance, activity, and home range size and concomitantly gained greater control over female home ranges than blue- or yellow-throated males. Experimentally elevating plasma T in yellow- and blue-throated males increased their endurance, activity, home range size, and control over female territories to levels that were seen in unmanipulated orange-throated males that had naturally high plasma T. However, the enhanced performance of orange-throated males is not without costs. Orange-throated males had low survival compared to the other morphs. Finally, some yellow-throated males transformed to a partial blue morphology late in the season and the endurance of these transforming yellow-throated males increased from early to late in the season. In addition, yellow-throated males that transformed to blue also had significantly higher plasma T late in the season compared to the plasma T earlier in the season. T appears to play an important role in the physiological changes that all three color morphs undergo during the process of maturation. In some yellow males, T plays an additional role in plastic changes in behavior and physiology late in the reproductive season. We discuss natural and sexual selection on physiological and behavioral traits that leads to the evolution of steroid regulation in the context of alternative male strategies.  相似文献   
在鉴定遗4212中BYDV抗性携带染色体的染色体组起源以及被代换小麦染色体的基础上,研究了BYDV抗性携带染色体补偿小麦染色体的能力以及传递率等问题.结果表明,BYDV抗性携带染色体能较好补偿小麦第2、第5以及第7部分同源群的染色体;在二体代换系中,该染色体优先取代2D小麦染色体、而非2A、2B小麦染色体;(77-5433×遗4212)自交F2群体中共出现10种染色体组成类型,其中一种为非预期类型,染色体数目变异较大而结构变异较少;该染色体的传递率以及携带该染色体配子的传递率分别为56.3%和33%,低于理论值75%和50%;并结合遗4212染色体组成鉴定结果探讨了相关结果产生的原因.染色体原位杂交是研究小麦背景下外源染色体遗传行为快速而准确的方法.  相似文献   
The evolutionary payoff accruing to parents from breeding offspringcould be an incentive for prolonged investments in the offspring.Enhanced survival for offspring as a result of such a prolongedparental investment would increase the value of remaining inthe natal territory for the offspring. Here we show that first-yearsurvival in Siberian jays is higher in the company of theirparents. Two observations point to that the enhanced survivalof retained offspring is due to nepotistic parents rather thanto the quality of a shared habitat. First, winter survivalis higher only for those retained offspring whose parents havesurvived too ; this precludes the possibility that the linkbetween timing of dispersal and survival should reflect a higher phenotypic quality of retained offspring in general. Second,there is no support for the more parsimonious explanation thatthis link between the survival of parents and retained offspringreflects habitat quality of a shared territory. We could, withhigh statistical power, reject the possibility of a correlationbetween the survival of parental birds and unrelated immigrantsto the territory. Such a correlation would have been expectedif survival reflected habitat quality and not kinship. Our data instead suggest a direct fitness gain to retained offspringin enhanced survival through parental nepotism (parental facilitation).The behavior of parents in allowing retained offspring accessto food that is denied to immigrants is one proximate mechanismmediating a benefit of delayed dispersal.  相似文献   
Several authors have suggested that African antelope (familyBovidae) exemplify coadaptation of ecological, behavioral,and morphological traits. We tested four hypotheses relatedto the ecology and behavior of 75 species of African antelopeusing both conventional statistical techniques and techniques that account for the nonindependence of species by consideringtheir phylogenetic relationships. Specifically, we tested thehypotheses that (1) dietary selectivity is correlated negativelywith body mass, (2) dietary selectivity is correlated negativelywith group size, (3) gregarious species either flee or counterattackwhen approached by predators, but solitary and pair-livingspecies seek cover to hide, and (4) body mass and group sizeare correlated positively. Each of these hypotheses was examinedfor the global data set (family Bovidae) and, when possible,within the two antelope subfamilies (Antilopinae and Bovinae)and within 7 of the 10 antelope tribes. The results of ourconventional and phylogenetically corrected analyses supportedthe hypotheses that group and body size vary predictably with feeding style and that antipredator behavior varies with groupsize. The hypothesis that body mass and group size are correlatedpositively was supported by conventional statistics, but thesetwo traits were only weakly related using a phylogeneticallycorrected analysis. Moreover, qualitative and quantitativecomparisons within each of the eight major African antelope tribes generally gave little support for the four hypothesestested. Thus, although our analyses at the subfamily levelprovided results that were consistent with prior hypotheses,our analyses at the level of tribes were equivocal. We discussseveral possible explanations for these differences.  相似文献   
Previous studies on macaque species revealed no evidence of consolation: affiliative contact between the loser of an aggressive interaction and a third party. However, typically, the researchers used short observation periods and latency to make first affiliative contact as a dependent measure. Based on social stress buffering literature, I predicted that by employing longer observation periods and percentage of time in affiliative contact as a dependent measure, I would be more likely to detect increases in affiliative contact following aggression. I observed adult female rhesus macaques for 1 hr after they received severe aggression and for 1 hr after some affiliative contact, and measured time spent in affiliative contact using instantaneous recording at 30-sec intervals. Contrary to prediction, victims of attack did not spend a greater percentage of time in affiliative contact postaggression as compared to postaffiliation. Subjects were also less likely to initiate contact with other individuals and were more likely to have contact with individuals that were dominant to their aggressor, following aggression. These results provide converging evidence that affiliative contact is not increased following aggression in macaques. I discuss the failure to bear out the predictions based on the social stress buffering literature in terms of rhesus social dynamics, the nature of aggression as a stressor, and possible mechanisms for the social stress buffering effect.  相似文献   
To study sex-differential allocation of maternal behavior in Microcebus murinus, I recorded behavioral patterns on 21 litters from parturition to the weaning period. After a pregnancy of 61.5 ± 0.9 days, females may produce from one to four young per litter. Litters were weaned in 40 days by mothers. Behavioral observations at the beginning of the nocturnal activity period demonstrated that close contacts between mothers and infants were more frequent in multiparous mothers than in primiparous ones (p < .01). Time in close contact with offspring aged >15 days old compared to contacts with neonates is significantly lower only in single-sex litters and is more marked for all-female litters (p < .01). Mother's approaches toward mixed litters or all-male litters were always significantly greater than approaches toward all-female litters (p = .04). However, mother's approaches within mixed sex litters were not biased toward either sex (p = .7). Males in a litter may be interpreted as a stimulator of maternal behavior. Similarly, using retrieving tests of 15-min duration, a significant maternal preference for male neonates is evident. Latency to first retrieval is significantly shorter in multiparous females than in primiparous ones (p < .05) independent of size and sex ratio of the litter. For multiparous females only, male neonates were chosen first for retrieval more often than females (p < .05). Finally, the calls of young played a stimulator effect on maternal retrieving (p < .001). Accordingly multiparous mothers exhibit more interest in their young, which appears to be biased toward male neonates.  相似文献   
Chemosensory neurons of female fiddler crabs (genus Uca) display greater sensitivity to mixtures of food-related stimuli than do neurons in males. This phenomenon represents an interesting contrast to other sex-specific systems, which tend to be in response to cues associated with mating and parental care. This study examined the responses of chemosensory neurons in males and females to ten individual stimuli to determine if sex-specific responses were restricted to a few key compounds, or if the heightened sensitivity of females was broadly distributed. Neurons in males and females responded well to all stimuli, and although fiddler crabs are primarily herbivorous, highly efficacious physiological stimulants included amino acids and amines as well as carbohydrates most closely associated with plant material. The chemosensory neurons are characterized by broad tuning and relatively high response thresholds, when compared to other crustaceans. Most importantly, the investigations revealed a robust pattern in which female neurons displayed elevated responses to all stimuli. Tuning breadth was not shown to be sex-specific, nor were there detectable differences in over-all response profiles. The most likely explanation for these patterns is that the broad sex-specificity in Uca is produced via fundamental alterations in cellular properties associated with chemosensory transduction. Accepted: 29 June 1999  相似文献   
The role of phototactic behavior of gametes was tested experimentally in the slightly anisogamous marine green alga Monostroma angicava Kjellman, and the effect of phototaxis on mating efficiency was discovered. Both male and female gametes showed positive phototaxis in response to a white light source. In contrast, they did not respond to a red light source. Their swimming velocity did not differ between these two illuminating light sources. It was, therefore, suggested that the search ability of the gamete itself might not vary between phototactic and non-phototactic conditions. The number of zygotes formed during the mating process may be expressed as the product of the number of encounters between male and female gametes and the fraction of encounters that result in sexual fusion. In this study, with high densities of male and female gametes mixed in test tubes, almost all minor (fewer in number) gametes fused sexually within 10 min. After dilution of the gamete suspensions by half, mating efficiency in test tubes illuminated by white light from above was higher than that in dark controls. This suggests that male and female gametes gathered at the water surface through their positive phototaxis, thus increasing the rate of encounters. Mating efficiency also decreased if the test tubes were illuminated from above by white light and also shaken. Since negative phototaxis is clearly shown in planozygotes, we suggest that positive phototaxis of male and female gametes in M. angicava is an adaptive trait for increasing the rate of gametic encounters rather than for the dispersal of zygotes as previously reported for zoospores of some marine algae. Received: 12 February 1999 / Revision accepted: 24 May 1999  相似文献   
Behavioral responses to biopsy sampling of four species of northwestern Atlantic balaenopterid whales summering in the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, from 1990 to 1995 were studied to determine if this technique was an important disturbance to the whales. A total of 447 biopsy samples were taken using a small punch-type biopsy tip fired from a crossbow. Biopsies were successfully taken from 91.2% of the whales approached. Whales displayed no reaction to 45.2% of the successful biopsy attempts. Whales that responded to biopsy sampling typically resumed their normal behavior immediately or within a few minutes. Most humpback whales displayed a hard tail flick, and the majority of fin and blue whales submerged following biopsy sampling. Significantly different frequencies and intensities of responses were found between whale species. Minke and humpback whales were found to be more sensitive to biopsy sampling than fin and blue whales. Response frequencies were similar between females and males for all species, with the exception of fin whales where females had a higher response frequency than males. Biopsy sample length, i. e., penetration depth, did not explain variations in response intensity but may influence response frequency to biopsy sampling. Group size, geographical region, and number of biopsies taken per whale were not factors that explained variation in behavioral responses. The biopsy technique was found to be an efficient method for obtaining high-quality whale skin and blubber samples with limited behavioral disturbance to balaenopterid whales.  相似文献   
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